Who We Are and What We Are About
Cocolalla Lake Association was formed June 4, 1985 and became a
501(c)3 non-profit organization in 1987 with a mission
to halt and reverse the eutrophication process occurring in
Cocolalla Lake and preserve it for public benefit and use. The
association is a viable, active grassroots organization with a
membership of approximately 100 households. Monthly board meetings are held
from April through October. The Cocolalla Lake Association is
a highly effective organization utilizing both a team approach and
rotation of volunteers.
Cocolalla Lake is an 800 acre
public lake situated 15 miles south of Sandpoint in Bonner County,
Idaho. The lake has five major in flowing streams and a
watershed 52 times greater than the lake area.
In 1995
ten members of the Cocolalla Lake Association took a course titled
Idaho Stream Walk Ecology. This course was instructed through
the University of Idaho Water Resources Research Institute,
University of Idaho. Three participants applied for and
received university credits for this course along with seven other
members who were certified as Stream Walkers. The Cocolalla
Lake Association has conducted a Stream Walk, according to published
EPA protocol and published results of the Stream Walk since 1995.
For ten years Fish Creek and Cocolalla Creek were monitored yearly.
In 2005, we began to monitor Westmond Creek and still continue to
monitor Cocolalla Creek.
Because the watershed of Cocolalla Lake is 52 times greater than the
lake itself the Stream Walk process provides a good indication of
what is happening in the watershed and watershed status is
eventually reflected in the lake. The annual Stream Walk allows
us to monitor and identify problem areas and provide assistance with
Cocolalla Lake Association also provides educational information for
lake users and owners to reduce the amount of nutrients coming into
the lake. These nutrients support excessive amounts of plant
and algae growth resulting in low water clarity. Monitoring of
water clarity is done monthly by four Cocolalla Lake Association
volunteers with results published in our Annual Stream Walk report.
We invite anyone who shares our
mission to preserve this beautiful North Idaho lake to join our
Cocolalla Lake Association. |